Άθεες κοσμικές γυναίκες

Συζητήσεις γύρω απ' την αθεΐα, και γενικά τη ζωή χωρίς θρησκεία, θεούς, και δεισιδαιμονίες.
Άβαταρ μέλους
Δημοσιεύσεις: 9010
Εγγραφή: 30 Δεκ 2010 15:59
Όνομα Ιστότοπου: -

Όσο διεξοδικά κι αν έψαξα, δεν βρήκα νήμα που να σχετίζεται ξεκάθαρα με τη σχέση των γυναικών με τις θρησκείες και τη θέση τους σ' αυτές. Αν υπάρχει και δεν το βρήκα, μαστιγώστε με. Όπως και να 'χει, παραθέτω τον κάτωθι ενδιαφέροντα σύνδεσμο.

First National Organization for Atheist Women Mobilizes
Spoiler: Εμφάνιση
Secular Woman - June 28, 2012

For more information, please contact:
Kim Rippere, President: 404.669.6727 E-mail

First National Organization for Atheist Women Mobilizes

Leadership Development Drives Mission

Atlanta, Georgia – June 28, 2012. Secular Woman, Inc. makes its debut today as the first national membership organization dedicated exclusively to advancing the interests of atheist, humanist and other non-religious women. The organization's stated vision is "a future in which women without supernatural beliefs have the opportunities and resources they need to participate openly and confidently as respected voices of leadership in the secular community and every aspect of American society."

Secular identity organizations often struggle to attract and retain female members, lending weight to surveys which typically characterize women as more spiritual than men. Secular Woman will offer its members conference travel grants, profiles of secular women, achievement awards and other programming designed to add gender diversity to secular events and bring more nonbelieving women out of the closet and into roles of leadership.

Through strategic partnerships, Secular Woman will also advocate for equal pay, reproductive choice, and marriage equality, addressing political trends the group sees as ideologically-motivated threats to its members' freedom of conscience. "The 'War on Women' dovetailing with the rise of secular activism showed us the time had come for secular women to form our own distinct organization to support our vision of the future," said Kim Rippere, a Secular Woman founder and the organization's first president. "Secular women have always been at front and center of the feminist quest for equality and autonomy."

Rippere is joined on the group's first Board of Directors by co-founders Brandi Braschler, Vice President of Programs; Bridget Gaudette, Vice President of Outreach; and Mary Ellen Sikes, Vice President of Operations. The four women bring a combined total of more than forty years' activism in secular and women's issues to Secular Woman.

"With this organization we plan to focus on promoting the secular female voice, but anyone who supports our mission can join," said Gaudette. "All are vital to the success of Secular Woman and to the overall secular movement."

Secular Woman is an educational non-profit organization whose mission is to amplify the voice, presence, and influence of non-religious women. For more information about Secular Woman visit: www.SecularWoman.org.
"Του είχαν δείξει την ασημαντότητα και τη φτηνή κενότητα των μικρών θεών της γης, με τα κακομοίρικα ανθρώπινα ενδιαφέροντά τους και τις διασυνδέσεις τους –τα μίση, τους θυμούς, τις αγάπες και τις ματαιοδοξίες τους– τη λαχτάρα τους να τους υμνούν και να θυσιάζουν σ' αυτούς, και την απαίτησή τους να τους πιστεύουν, κάτι άκρως αντίθετο με τη λογική και τη Φύση."
"Through the Gates of the Silver Key" By H. P. Lovecraft (with E. Hoffmann Price)
Δημοσιεύσεις: 1309
Εγγραφή: 02 Οκτ 2011 01:21
Όνομα Ιστότοπου: -

Τωρα μετα θανατον δεν μπορεις να αποδιδεις χαρακτηρισμους,κι ουτε ξερω αν ποτε η ιδια ισως να δηλωσε κατι τετοιο,απλα και μονον απο τον τροπο σκεψης της και την σκληρη κριτικη απεναντι στην υποκρισια,
η Μαλβινα Καραλη δεν φαινοταν παντως για το ατομο εκεινο που θα μπορουσες να πεις οτι παραλογιζεται.
Ειμαι ενας πιστος απολυτα πεπεισμενος μοναχα ως προς την ανυπαρξια μεταφυσικων μυστηριων.Το μοναδικο μυστηριο που υπαρχει ειναι μοναχα κατι ξεχασμενες αραχνοφωλιες μες το ανθρωπινο μυαλο.